Harnessing Universal Laws for Sales Success with Rhonda Petit

What if the secret to selling isn’t about your product but the energy you bring into every conversation?

In this empowering episode, The Girls of Grit sits with the author of The Spirit of Selling, Rhonda Petit. Rhonda shares her journey from sales professional to peak performance coach, emphasizing the transformative power of mindset and universal laws in the sales world.

The conversation dives into the role of energy, conviction, and passion in selling, offering valuable insights on how aligning your thoughts and actions can lead to success. Rhonda passionately explains how awareness, empathy, and service are key to building strong, trusting relationships with clients. 

She also discusses the importance of shifting from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance, urging listeners to focus on creating value rather than competing.

Whether you're in medical device sales or any other industry, this episode is packed with pearls of wisdom that will inspire you to approach sales with renewed confidence and energy.

Episode Chapter Markers

00:00 Introduction

03:03 The Power of The Secret and Law of Attraction

06:10 Harnessing Energy and Awareness in Sales

21:35 Building Conviction and Confidence in Sales

22:18 The Power of Vibration and Energy in Selling

24:30 Empathy and Impact: Keys to Successful Sales

28:46 Mindset Mastery and Overcoming Scarcity Thinking

Must-Hear Insights and Key Moments

  • Mindset is Key: Success in sales is 95% mindset and 5% mechanics. Aligning your thoughts and beliefs with the right energy can significantly impact the outcome of a sales conversation.

  • Energy and Conviction: The energy you bring into a room plays a crucial role in building trust and closing deals. If you believe in your product with passion and conviction, your clients will feel it and be more likely to buy.

  • The Law of Attraction: Rhonda emphasizes the importance of aligning with the Law of Attraction, which suggests that what you focus on is what you attract. 

  • Awareness and Emotional Intelligence: Understanding your mindset and your clients' emotions is key. By empathizing with their needs, you position yourself as a trusted advisor, not just a salesperson.

  • Empathy and Service: Sales is about serving, not just selling. Understanding your clients' needs and focusing on their success builds trust and fosters lasting relationships.

  • Create, Don’t Compete: Instead of competing, innovate and offer unique solutions. Focus on creating value and differentiating yourself to stand out in the marketplace, fostering long-term success.

Words of Wisdom: Standout Quotes from This Episode

  • “Awareness is who you are.” — Rhonda Petit

  • “People are buying your energy.“ — Rhonda Petit

  • “Every time you walk in the door, you should see yourself making a sale.” — Rhonda Petit

  • “My intent going on to the sales call is to organize my energy right with a purpose.” — Rhonda Petit

  • “Bulletproof your mindset to be stronger than your emotions.” — Rhonda Petit

  • “If you keep a closed mind and heart and don’t want to explore new ideas, you’ll stay stuck.” — Rhonda Petit

  • “You should have pride for your product, for your company, but you also need confidence and knowledge.” — Anneliese Rhodes

  • “People want to buy from people they like, and people that make them feel good.” — Anneliese Rhodes

  • “When you first become aware, all things change.” — Cynthia Ficara

  • “If people don't understand how passion plays into the energy you bring into a sale, they just better go back to square one.” — Cynthia Ficara

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Blog Transcript:

Note: We use AI transcription so there may be some inaccuracies

Anneliese Rhodes: Good morning everyone, good afternoon, and good evening to all our listeners out there. Thanks again for tuning into another episode of Secrets in Medical Device Sales hosted by the Girls of Grit. We're so happy you’re joining us, and we really appreciate all the questions you've been sending in. We love that we're making an impact here.

Cynthia Ficara: Welcome everyone! I’m excited to have you here, and even more excited to have our guest today. We’re bringing you Rhonda Petit, the author of The Spirit of Selling. We’re thrilled to hear what inspired her to write this book. We think all of you can really benefit from what she has to share. 

Without further ado, welcome, Rhonda! Please tell our audience a little about who you are and how you got to where you are today.

Rhonda Petit’s Journey into Sales and the Law of Attraction

Rhonda Petit: Great. Thank you so much for having me. My name is Rhonda Petit. I am a sales and business peak performance coach, and I’m the author, speaker, and CEO of 3x5 Coaching, where we help medical device companies with disruptive technology get their products adopted so they can become the go-to leaders in their industry. To answer your question about me:

I started in sales when I was 21 years old, and I’m coming up on my 40th year. I love selling, and I don’t think I’ll ever quit! The reason this book came to be was that around 35 years into my career, I left my corporate job due to restructuring and decided to venture out on my own as an entrepreneur.

I always loved business and knew I needed something to do, so I started coaching. Around May or June, I attended an event called The Matrix by Bob Proctor, which used to take place in Canada. He spoke about universal laws, and it got me thinking. He explained these laws in the context of science, and it made me wonder how they could apply to mindset. By the time he was done, my head was spinning with ideas, and I realized how powerful these principles were. It also tied into The Secret and everything I had learned about the law of attraction.

I thought to myself, "Why didn’t I know about this when I was 21?" We all experience success at times, and you can be unconsciously competent and succeed. But when you understand the science behind it and apply these principles in alignment with universal law, amazing things can happen. That’s why I felt compelled to write this book—I would have loved to know this when I was starting. So here we are!

Cynthia Ficara: I love it! That’s exciting. You mentioned something I want to clarify for our listeners—when you said The Secret, you’re referring to the book by Rhonda Byrne, correct?

Rhonda Petit: Yes, exactly.

Cynthia Ficara: The Secret is probably the most popular book related to the law of attraction. It’s great to see how it ties into what you’re sharing. I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that’s what we were referring to.

Anneliese Rhodes: I’d love to add to that. It’s funny you mention this, Rhonda. When I first started in medical devices, I was all about driving, driving, driving. We didn’t have podcasts like we do today. I don’t even know if we had Sirius XM! No, we didn’t. It was CDs, cassettes, and things you’d pop into your car.

I bought The Secret on CD or cassette, and I remember listening to it for the first time. At first, I thought, “This is a little out there, but I’m going to believe in it.” I started going with the flow and thinking about abundance and all the things you talk about in this book. It’s amazing how, when you keep those ideas at the forefront of your mind and think about them constantly, the results you get are incredible.

Whether it’s in sales, the reactions you receive, or how you process information, it’s awesome—and it works! I can’t wait for our listeners to not only listen to this interview but also pick up your book, read it, and apply it to their everyday lives, especially in sales. Sales are sales across the board. Cindy and I focus on medical devices because that’s what we’ve been doing for so long, but the same principles apply everywhere.

I’m excited about this, and I can feel your energy even though people can’t see us right now. I can see your huge smile, and I love it! Let’s dive right in. 

The first thing I’d like to ask is—you’ve given us some background—but really, why the law of attraction? Why this book, and why now?

The Power of Awareness and the Law of Attraction

Rhonda Petit: Well, I think a lot of people are waking up now, so it’s not as "woo-woo" as it was, you know, maybe 20 years ago when Earl Nightingale first talked about it, right? Why now? I think that if you understand that you're essentially an electromagnet and that thought is energy—what you're thinking about is going out, and your attitude, the way you show up, all that energy is going to bring back to you exactly what you put out.

When you start taking control of your thoughts, you can serve people really well by understanding how these laws work and by being of service to someone.

 A lot of times, if you're thinking about what you don’t want when you go on a sales call, instead of what you do want—especially now, with the thing about the contracting economy—people need salespeople who can help them focus to make decisions.

The way you're thinking and what you're thinking about, you have to have conviction, that belief, so that people can make a confident decision about what you're selling. I think why now is because if more of us can understand this, we can change the way sales is perceived, to be more about service. It used to irritate me when people would think of salespeople as just like a car salesman—someone trying to push something on you.

And when you’re selling, if you know you’re being of service, and you’re putting good energy out there, it doesn’t necessarily have to be linear—it can come back to you non-linearly. You can make more positive impacts on people, create more sales, and help people make decisions. Because, you know, there’s a misconception in sales that you're trying to take something from someone, instead of giving. And when you're consulting and you're giving, and you're putting it out, it comes back to you.

I think today, in today’s world, you need consultants. You need people who are not just going out there to take a trade. You need people that are going to go out there and invest. And invest for future returns. And if you adopt that investment philosophy—which is what all universal law is about—life and continuing life—it’s like focusing on the future, not looking in the rearview mirror, because that’s reverse thinking. Then, this is the time to do it because we have great opportunities for collaboration in the world right now. We've got four generations of people working together. And if everyone gets aligned and connects, and we all point in a harmonious direction, we can get the economy going and create all kinds of things, right?

Anneliese Rhodes: Yeah, I liked that. That was a really good point. And it’s funny when you’re talking about convicts—real quick, funny story. I’m known for my stories because I always have these "Oh squirrel" moments. So, I had a hospital where, you know, we had to wear scrubs in the OR, right? And for years, the scrubs were green, or, you know, even purple, which were awful. But I’m not even kidding, they were thinking about giving us orange scrubs. Orange—for jail, for prison! And I was like, “Guys! We are not bad. We are here to help you, to serve you, to be your consultants!” Like you mentioned, you know, your trusted advisors, and we’re not trying to take things from you.

So, I really love your thought of putting it out there, and you have a bunch of amazing quotes in this book. And Cindy and I both pulled out a couple of them that we really love, and we’ll mention those. But, you know, it’s what you put out there that’s going to come back. And I just really like that. 

So, I’m really excited for everyone to pick up this book.

Cynthia Ficara: Yeah, thank you. Well, I think one thing, when you’re talking about making an impact and not necessarily talking about just your product, but how you can put something out there, like you said, giving and receiving. I mean, a conversation in a sales conversation is exactly that—it’s a conversation. And, you know, you can have conversations with family members. Your two-year-old can have a conversation with you when they want something; they find a way to communicate with you.

And so, what I think is just so great about this is you are taking the time to write a book so we can take these little pieces of information that make us more aware. So, that actually kind of brings me to the beginning of your book. You really talk about awareness and how awareness is everything. 

Lisa and I have had different podcasts, whether it’s topics we’ve discussed or interviews, and it’s amazing how when you first become aware, all things change. Many times, we talk about self-awareness.

But can you just expand on that a little bit for our listeners so they can take a piece of that? Is there anything they can begin to be more aware of—what’s out there, and not just like you were when you first heard, what are all these laws? How do we get past “what are all these laws” to being aware of what we can tap into?

The Role of Emotional Intelligence and Energy in Sales Success

Rhonda Petit: So everyone has divinity within them, and you have access to a success mechanism called your subconscious mind that you can use as either a success or failure mechanism. Awareness is learning how to direct that subconscious mind.

If you’ve read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, he talks about how you are not the energy—you just control it, like driving a car. Earl Nightingale used to say it’s like driving a tractor. 

Your subconscious mind is a powerful machine, and it can help you do good for others. If you’re in harmony and doing things for the benefit of others, you align with it, and you align with the universal laws. You can come up with all kinds of customer solutions and solve problems. You can rely on your subconscious mind to help you; you don’t need to be in your ego thinking you have to do it all by yourself. You’re not in resistance or struggle if you understand how it works.

So, to your question about awareness: most people don’t study the fact that they have a subconscious mind and how it works. It’s based on unconditional love, meaning it accepts anything—it can’t reject. Whatever you give it, it gives you back. If you plant carrot seeds, you’re going to get carrots. If you plant radishes, you’re going to get radishes. It’s that simple.

When you understand this power, especially when you're in your heart (your emotional mind), that’s where your mind, body, and soul interact. It’s exponentially stronger than anything your conscious, logical mind can do. Many people make the mistake of getting excited about technology or something else, and then they start reasoning with logic. But people don’t buy based on logic—they buy based on emotion.

So, awareness is understanding that your mind is this huge potential asset. Learning how to use it to your advantage instead of being used by it due to ignorance of how it works will keep you from having a boomerang effect that comes back at you. That’s what I mean by awareness.

Anneliese Rhodes: So is awareness maybe like emotional intelligence? Is that similar? Because we often talk about women having a high EQ or emotional intelligence. Is that what you liken it to?

Rhonda Petit: Well, I liken it to the fact that we’re souls that came into physical existence. We have a mind, we have access to a mind to use, and we have a body. Awareness is understanding who you are—it’s the soul’s awareness of itself. The soul is always connected to its awareness of the creator. What connects all of us is the subconscious mind because it’s universal intelligence.

Why do you think the law of attraction works? When you get an idea in your conscious mind, it’s just an idea. You get emotionally involved in it—it's like falling in love with an idea, like dating. You fall in love; it resonates. You think about it all day, and you get emotionally charged. If you're working for a company with great technology, and you know this is going to change medicine or the human condition, that conviction and energy are going to fuel others to believe in it.

But if you don’t understand how it works, you might watch the news, hear that baby boomers can’t get jobs, and buy into that idea. That’s just a thought—it’s an idea you’re falling in love with. Instead, you could be thinking, “Wow, I’ve got these talents, and maybe they want contracting services. I could teach, I could share knowledge." There are all kinds of things you can do. It’s just a choice of what you’re going to think about. And whatever you’re thinking about 51 percent or more of the time is going to come right back at you.

Anneliese Rhodes: I like that.

Cynthia Ficara: I have to say that my mind is just racing as you're saying this. And so, two things I take away from that are: number one, we all go into our sales calls with a piece of equipment that we can choose to tap into or not. You don’t have to pack it in your bag or remember to take it with you—it’s there. You just have to choose to use it. That piece of equipment is your subconscious mind.

And, you know, I think maybe a very easy way to explain awareness, when you said this, it just dawned on me. A good example is when you're thinking about buying a certain type of car, whether it's a Toyota, Cadillac, or Mercedes, and then all of a sudden, you see that car everywhere. You think, "I didn’t know there were so many of these!"

Well, what if we went into a sales call thinking like that? Not focusing just on our product, but on the impact we can make. It’s more like a consultation, the awareness of what’s going on and how we can influence the situation. What if, as we’re driving there, we set our mind on that impact and play out in our minds what it's like to make that impact?

Now, if I’m hearing you correctly when I tap into my subconscious mind and focus on this, is it the energy that pulls everything together? Or am I missing something? Is it the subconscious mind putting out the energy that makes everything come together?

How Vibration and Confidence Influence Sales Outcomes

Rhonda Petit: People are buying your energy. If you have congruence between what you're selling and how you feel about it—if you’ve fallen in love with the idea and the impact—you walk in, and they’re buying your energy. They're attracted to that energy because your level is so high. Most people today who aren’t closing deals have a subconscious disconnect with what they’re selling. 

They’re buying into the idea that someone doesn’t need it, or that people don’t have the money. But the money is out there. It didn’t move; it’s just that we haven’t shifted our thinking.

If you're not thinking about impact, value, and building trust with the person by focusing on empathy and service—not just your commission or being the hero with the order—then you’re letting them off the hook. You’ve got to work on your decisions and thoughts.

Anneliese Rhodes: I love that. Oh my gosh. She’s touching on something we just talked about, Cindy, in one of our episodes.

Cynthia Ficara: Yes! Thank you for clarifying that the energy you bring is the presence and the way you present. I was complimenting Lisa on how passionate she is when she sells. It’s a great example of energy and presence because if she didn’t believe in what she was selling, the conversation would be completely different. Awareness of that energy is so important, and you're right. Passion plays into the energy you bring into a sale. If you don’t understand that, you need to go back to square one.

Rhonda Petit: Exactly. It’s about congruence. Your conscious mind drives your attitude—what you’re thinking, and feeling, and the actions you take. That’s your attitude, and it shows in your energy. But you also need belief, which sits in your subconscious mind. 

When Lisa walks into a meeting, she knows she’s going to make the sale. You even asked earlier, “Can I use my subconscious mind?” Absolutely! Every time you walk in the door, you should see yourself making the sale—unless it’s not a fit, of course. You’re not going to push something someone doesn’t need. But when you walk in, it’s like “ideal customer, check, check, check,” and they’re suffering. If you’re not in there with passion and conviction, you’re not going to win. Whoever has the highest amount of conviction wins.

Anneliese Rhodes: Oh my gosh, Rhonda, you’re making me feel really good about our podcast right now. Thank you! We talk about so many of these things, and it’s great to hear them all come together in one place—your book. We’ve been talking about passion, but you also need pride in your product, confidence, knowledge, and all those things working together.

And people want to buy from people they like—people who make them feel good, right? They don’t want to buy from someone who makes them feel crappy. If they do, that’s their subconscious pushing them away, which is tied to the laws of attraction.

Rhonda Petit: Exactly. The reason the energy is so strong is because you believe in it. It’s not just a thought in your head—you have belief in your heart. That’s how the law of vibration works. There’s no disconnection. You could be thinking about what you need to do on the call, but if your heart isn’t in it, if there’s a disconnect, people pick up on it. We all speak the law of vibration.

Anneliese Rhodes: You don’t even have to say anything.

Rhonda Petit: Exactly. You walk out of a meeting wondering why it didn’t go well, and it’s like, “What the heck were you thinking about when you walked in? Your commission check?”

Anneliese Rhodes: Or that argument you had with a customer before!

Rhonda Petit: Exactly. Before a sales call, you’ve got to get your energy up. Listen to music, and get your attitude up there. And you have to believe in your product. If you don’t, sit your team down and give them conviction. They need to be on a mission with conviction. 

If your team’s energy is that high, you’ll rock it. Right now, people need consultative selling—someone who can give them the confidence to make decisions. Without that, the messaging becomes incongruent, and they’ll walk away.

Anneliese Rhodes: What’s crazy is that we don’t even realize we’re doing it, right? A lot of people might not even be aware that they’re not vibrating at the right frequency, that they’re not feeling it or thinking it. Cindy, I’m sorry if I cut you off, but Rhonda, in your book, do you explain how we can do that?

Aligning Intention, Attention, and Energy for Sales Success

Rhonda Petit: Yeah, you have to first become aware and understand. If you're ignorant and nobody’s told you any of this, you’re just running on your standard habits. 

We all get our programming and conditioning from two places: one is our genetics, and the other is our environment. Who are you hanging out with? You’re like a plant, and the five people you spend the most time with are influencing your energy, and you’re giving energy to them too. 

You’ve got to ask yourself, "If I’m the smartest person in the room, am I growing?"

What are you listening to? Are you caught up in all the negative talk at the water cooler, the news, or whatever, and getting wrapped up in fear—which is thinking you can’t get what you want and focusing on yourself? Or are you thinking about serving and making an impact, so you're not thinking about yourself anymore? 

That’s an easy way to tell if you’re aligned, convicted, and ready to go. The disconnect usually happens when you start thinking about yourself too much—you’re in your ego, and you disconnect from the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is universal for everyone. Why do you think the law of attraction works? All of a sudden, you start seeing things or they come to you, and you don’t know where it’s coming from. It’s not a linear exchange. Everything in the universe is non-linear—vibrations, cycles, everything. That’s why it works.

Cynthia Ficara: You hit on a great point when you said, “It’s not about you.”

If you go into a sales call thinking about yourself, you might as well turn around and walk out because it’s not about you. It’s about what you’re putting out there—it’s about your impact and your outcome. 

When you mentioned the law of vibration, that really stuck with me. In Chapter 5 of your book, on page 67, you talk about the law of vibration, and one of my favorite quotes from you is, “Where your attention goes, your energy flows.” That alone ties so much of this together.

Rhonda Petit: Exactly. You have two key tools: intention and attention. My intention, going into a sales call, is to organize my energy with a purpose. Then, my attention—focusing on the client and how I can serve—directs that energy to them. 

We all speak the law of vibration; we can feel energy, right? So, if I walk into a meeting focused on you, Cynthia, and you can tell my intention is genuine—I'm asking questions about you, gathering information, and actively listening—it has nothing to do with me. I’m just an instrument to serve you, the client.

When I’m in that zone, people are attracted. Trust is built, and I develop empathy. And when you’re good at your craft, you demonstrate value. You help them not only look at financial costs but also at opportunity costs and all the other factors—emotional costs, social costs, and the cost of inaction. What happens if they let this problem go for two more years? I’m helping them make a decision, and that’s a gift.

Most people today struggle to make decisions—they don’t want to buy anything anymore. They can’t make up their minds. Who’s responsible for that? We are. If we didn’t build the trust or provide the right value proposition, we didn’t help them see that there’s a cost and benefit to staying where they are. 

Every decision involves a sacrifice. If you buy something, you're deciding not to do something else.

Anneliese Rhodes: That’s a great point. Your book is full of pearls of wisdom, as I like to call them. If you could pick out one or two of your favorite lessons or teachings from the book to share with our listeners, what would they be? How would you explain those?

The Power of a Bulletproof Mindset in Sales

Rhonda Petit: I would say that to serve another person well, you have to have empathy and really understand where they are. You ask yourself, How can I leave this person with an impression of increase, no matter what? That means you're not focused on the sale itself. Instead, you're thinking about how to help this person. Where are they? Where do they want to go? What’s in their way? And what’s something I can leave them with today that will help them?

Maybe it’s helping them make a decision, or you might even refer them to someone else if it’s not the right fit for what you offer. You could give them appreciation or acknowledgment, or just show them excellence in how you handle the whole interaction. Even if they don’t buy from you today, you leave them thinking, Wow, she was just good. Have you ever had someone like that—a salesperson who makes you feel like that? I’m sure you guys have. It’s like, if I meet a really good salesperson, I’m done. I’m like, I don’t need that, but I’ll buy it!

Cynthia Ficara: Yeah, whatever you’re selling, I’ll buy it. Even if I don’t need it, I’ll find a reason to get it. What you just said is so important for our listeners to hear. 

There’s one quote from your book that I loved—it’s on page 43. I wrote it down because it’s one of my favorites. You said, Bulletproof your mindset to be stronger than your emotions. 

I’m going to repeat that: Bulletproof your mindset to be stronger than your emotions. Can you give us an example of what that looks like and what we can do? As we’ve mentioned before, many of our listeners are women, and we tend to act on our emotions. So how can we, as women, live out this amazing quote?

Rhonda Petit: When I say bulletproof your emotions, you have to understand that we all have an emotional guidance system. Your emotions come from your thoughts—thought is the starting point. Now, you are not your thoughts. You can accept an idea, reject it, or originate a new one. So when I say bulletproof, I mean disciplining your thinking to move forward, not backward. Don’t dwell on the past—think about what you want, not what you don’t want. Does that make sense?

It’s about having the discipline to focus on what matters. The news may be coming on, and distractions might be everywhere, but I’m not focused on that. I’m focused on serving this client, knowing that this product is going to make a difference. I’m clear about who my ideal clients are, and I’m going to take massive action to find them. Maybe, in today’s world, we need to 10x our actions.

Cynthia Ficara: Well, our listeners can start by 10x-ing their actions by buying your book, The Spirit of Selling. So, what is the spirit of selling?

The Spirit of Selling

Rhonda Petit: The spirit of selling is when you fall in love with something, and you’re enthusiastic—you can't wait to jump out of bed to go sell it. 

I always say, if you don't love what you do, don’t do what you love, because your vibration, just by default, will be high. If you're on the love channel, you're in a high vibe, and people buy high-vibe energy. But if you're not on the love channel and you're focused on what’s wrong, or what you hate, you’re just going to attract more of that. It's just the law of vibration.

The second part is about attraction—what you put out is what you're going to get back. The spirit of selling is getting into that flow. It’s like being in the spirit of it. You love the work, and you can’t wait to wake up in the morning and talk to someone, to help them. 

It’s no longer about you; it’s about the mission. You're aligned with your purpose and values, and that’s going to change the world.

In medical devices, we all got into this field because we want to make an impact on the human condition. That’s probably why we started. We're in the science field thinking, Oh, this is cool, this is right, and we want to change the world. Well, if you're going to change the world, you better get in the spirit of it.

Anneliese Rhodes: I love it. I was going to ask you what you would tell your younger self, but I feel like you just did that. Yeah—do what you love, sell what you love, and have the passion for it.

Cynthia Ficara: Absolutely. You know, one thing we always talk about on this podcast is that there’s a secret to everything we do. It’s like, What are we missing? And there’s just a secret to it all. I honestly believe your secret—and you’ve quoted this—is that the secret to selling is 95% mindset and 5% mechanics. 

If we can all think like that, it would be amazing—the energy flow in the next sales calls, and how we would impact patients, doctors, and customers.

I’m so excited that you took everything you knew and put it all together, pen to paper, for us to read. I thoroughly enjoyed it because I think it applies to anyone selling in any field—not just medical devices. I mean, I think it could even work for my kids trying to talk me into sending them more money in college if they read this book!

Anneliese Rhodes: Don’t tell them that! This has been awesome and very inspiring. Rhonda, you make it sound so easy. I feel like, No big deal, we can pick up this book, learn some lessons, and apply it almost immediately to our sales profession and see results. I truly believe that anyone who reads this book will see positive results from it.

It’s fantastic that you tied this to selling because we all live in a world of sales—whether or not we’re salespeople. And what Cindy and I are trying to do here, especially for women, is to help everyone succeed in these male-dominated industries. It’s all about the vibration, the thought process, and everything else you talked about. 

I hope our listeners got that because I can feel it from you.

If I didn’t already have your book, I’d be buying it right now. I’ve gotten through three-fourths of it, and I can’t wait to finish it. It’s just such a positive feeling, and that’s what I think our listeners will get from buying your book.

Rhonda Petit: Yeah, I would say the crucial thing to realize is if things aren’t working out for you, it’s probably because you’ve accepted some ideas that successful people have rejected, and you’ve rejected ideas that successful people have accepted. 

I give you a lot of ideas in this book, but the biggest thing that will hold you back is your disbelief. If you keep a closed mind and heart and don’t want to explore new ideas, you’ll stay stuck.

I’m not saying you have to accept everything, but if you approach things with an open heart and mind, and maybe play with some new ideas, you’ll go far. The thing that will hold you back is clinging to fixed ideas, habits, and beliefs. If you refuse to let those go, you’ve gone as far as you’re going to go.

If you’re willing to open your mind and consider new possibilities—there are so many ideas that you don’t even know exist. 

I’m still finding ideas I didn’t know that I didn’t know. I have mentors, and I keep learning. So if you can open yourself up and not throw in the towel, then this book is for you. If you think you know it all, well, it’s probably not the right book for you.

Cynthia Ficara: I love that, I do. So, I’m going to ask you to take that one step further. When you talk about opening your mind, what’s one thing someone listening can do? 

We always talk about opening our minds, but I don’t want someone to read your book, get excited, and then not know where to start.

I know you’ve said this is something you didn’t realize until later in your career, something you would have adopted earlier. So, what’s a simple step—something they can apply right now, today, or tomorrow—to start aligning with this energy and get into the right mindset to sell?

Shifting from Scarcity to Abundance

Rhonda Petit: Okay, I'm going to give you some gold. Three things that are causing your scarcity thinking: one, judgment; two, competition; and three, comparison. 

Write this down if you're listening. Let’s start with judgment. If you trade judgment—meaning labeling something as right or wrong—for discernment and curiosity, you’ll uncover so much more.

When you compete, you’re thinking in reverse, thinking the physical world is all there is, and you’ve just got to take someone else’s piece of the pie. But you're not realizing you have a subconscious mind that can create something completely new, something that differentiates you and serves others. 

You can create a whole new "blue ocean" like Uber did with taxis. So don't compete—create and distinguish yourself.

Third, when you compare, don’t use the law of relativity against yourself. Comparing yourself to others is the biggest disservice you can do. Out of seven or eight billion people, there’s no one like you. You are unique, like a grain of sand or a snowflake. Everyone has a special mix of talents. You were designed to be you, not somebody else.

If you fall into the traps of judgment, competition, or comparison, you’re only pushing yourself into scarcity and away from abundance. You’re heading in the wrong direction. Instead, focus on creation with your subconscious mind. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, aiming to be 1% better today—that’s a healthy comparison. But comparing yourself to others, competing, or judging? It all leads you away from abundance.

Cynthia Ficara: Exactly, like we said before, where attention goes, energy flows. Let’s bring that energy to where we want it.

Anneliese Rhodes: Absolutely! This was awesome, Rhonda. We could go on for hours, but unfortunately, we’ve got a time commitment. I loved this episode—it made me feel excited, passionate, and ready to sell right now! I hope all our listeners feel the same. 

So, before we wrap up, where can they find your book, and how can they reach you if they want to connect?

Rhonda Petit: Great! The book is on Amazon, and you can also find resources on my website, www.thespiritofselling.com. If you’re looking for more, my company is 3x5 Coaching, and it’s all about setting goals and aligning with universal law. You can also find me on LinkedIn—that’s probably the best place to connect.

Anneliese Rhodes: We loved having you on our show. Thank you so much for joining us.

Rhonda Petit: It was my real pleasure—thank you for having me!

Cynthia Ficara: Thank you so much, Rhonda, for writing this book and bringing your energy to the podcast. Our listeners are ready to go out there and sell! We appreciate you.

Rhonda Petit: Be in the spirit of selling.

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